![Capitol Plaza Beautiful Weddings](images/topBarServices2.jpg)
Bar Services
Open Bars – Drinks are charged on a ‘true consumption’ basis with an 20% service charge added to the total. A specific beverage budget for an open bar can be set by the client and once the limit is reached the bar service would switch to a cash basis.
Wine Service – Wine pours at each table or poured at the bar is a popular way to provide something to your guests. All in-house wines are charged on an open bottle basis. Specialty wine orders are typically not a problem for our distributors and usually need to be ordered by the case. Vermont State Law prohibits any client bringing in any alcoholic beverages including gifts, table favors, etc. (Wine prices do not include a 10% Tax and 18% Service.)
Host Kegs – Some people choose to order Vermont micro-brews, but most domestic beers are available as well. Full, half and quarter kegs available. Prices are available upon request.
Cash Bars – There is no charge to the client for this service provided there is a minimum of $400.00 in bar sales. A $150 bartender fee will be applied to your bar total if sales do not reach $400.00.
Special Orders are also available for most beers and wines. Prices are available upon request.
To book a room, click here, or your Hilton app on any device.
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